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Nerdcore Rising

10 Mar

Nerdcore Rising | 2008 | Director: Negin Farsad
& Kim Gatewood | Site | IMDB

Nerdcore Rising documents the first U.S. tour of MC Frontalot, the “Godfather of Nerdcore” and his group of eccentric, nerdy band mates. Much of the film follows Frontalot and his band from show to show gaining mild but continued support from Nerdcore fans. Interviews with “Weird” Al Yankovic, Brian Posehn, Jello Biafra and many others build a background on what it is to be a nerd and what that term has come to define. It is a very broad word and seems to cover anyone who has had their obsessions and eccentricities build a wall of social awkwardness and scrutiny Continue reading

Erasing David

20 Feb

Erasing David | 2010 | Director: David Bond, Melinda McDougall |
Site | IMDB

In Erasing David director David Bond attempts to answer the question how much information do companies and the government have on its citizens? While reviewing this information David attempts to disappear for an entire month whilst being pursued by two relentless private investigators. This documentary was very fun, thrilling at times and a little scary. Without spoiling too much David exposes some very interesting aspects of British government and their attempts at public surveillance Continue reading

To Hell and Back Again

14 Feb

Hell and Back Again | 2011 | Director: Danfung Dennis | Site | IMDB
Hell and Back Again is the story of soldier, Nathan Harris, who lead men into battle in Afghanistan, was shot, horribly wounded and has come home to heal and cope with life after war. Cinematically beautiful and thoughtfully edited, director Danfung Dennis, gives tremendously specific insight into the life and mind of a man home from war. Mostly consisting of honest and absorbing scenes shot very beautifully. There was one central aspect of this film that kept me feeling outside and came across slightly heavy-handed Continue reading

Girl 27

6 Feb

Girl 27 | 2007 | Director: David Stenn | Site | IMDB
Girl 27 is the story of Patricia Douglas, an actress during the 1930s who in 1937 was attacked and raped at an MGM stag party that was disguised as a casting call. Director David Sten came across this story and contacted the reclusive Douglas to get her side of the story. It took numerous attempts over several months until he was finally able to get her to talk. For over seventy years Patricia Douglas never told anyone about the rape and dealt with the issue internally. Sten does a very good job of uncovering the details of the attack and everything MGM did to cover it up. He is successful in getting Douglas to finally come out with her side of what transpired leading up to, during and the years that followed the attack. The documentary was very well done but in my opinion fell just short of greatness. Getting professional opinions and contacting Douglas’ family helped bring her to life and show the type of person she was and ultimately what the attack did to her. However, it just wasn’t enough to push this film into greatness. I never really felt like I got to know Patricia Douglas or her family. It was a big victory in one person’s life and I wish that was explored a little more thoroughly. I really enjoyed this film despite its imperfections.

Girl 27 tells the story of a movie extra from 1937 and how MGM Studios covered up her rape. Patricia Douglas was a dancer for MGM Studios who in 1937 was invited to and attended what she though was a film shoot. Little did she know it was a stag party for all of the MGM Sales Representatives. She would be brutally raped and blacklisted from Hollywood. MGM Studios made sure Douglas’ face was plastered on the cover of every newspaper and her “false accusations” known to the public. The director David Stenn did a very good job of finding out what really happened to Douglas. She did not tell anyone about that night for over 65 years, including her own daughter. Stenn tried contacting Douglas and at first she was resistant but he never gave up. Eventually she began to open up and her side of the story was heard. It is so unfortunate how the rape and cover up destroyed a woman’s life. Hopefully getting her story out there gave her peace in the end.

Girl 27 Trailer

Certified Copy

5 Jan

Certified Copy | 2010 | Director: Abbas Kiarostami | Site | IMDB
I did not know what I was getting with this film but I am very happy I stuck with it. It is extremely well acted. Juliette Binoche was amazing and William Shimell was just as good. At a certain point in the film you will realize what is really going on and watching this movie is worth it for that experience alone. Very sweet, charming and a little mysterious. I feel like this was one of the best movies of 2010 and deserves a wider audience Continue reading