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Swamp Thing

23 Apr

Swamp Thing | Author: Scott Snyder | 2012 | Site

I had wanted to try out a few of DC’s new 52 comics but I have never been a huge super hero comic book fan. When I saw Scott Snyder (American Vampire, Severed) was writing Swamp Thing I knew I had to give it a try. I am hooked now and can’t help but get excited every other Wednesday when it comes out. Snyder’s Swamp Thing delves into the history of the “Swamp Things”. To the point it begins with the elders expecting protagonist, Alec Holland, to be the savior of the Green. This story is a fight of balance and love. The rot is what Swamp Thing is fighting and trying to keep from taking over the world. Snyder’s writing never ceases to draw me in. Swamp Thing is fantastic and I think giving it a try Snyder will get you hooked like me.

Publisher: DC | # in Series: Ongoing

Swamp Thing #1 Cover

The New Deadwardians

3 Apr

The New Deadwardians | Author: Dan Abnett | 2012 | Site

Start with Downton Abbey, add a vampire detective- throw in zombies and you have a pretty good idea what The New Deadwardians is all about. The New Deadwardians is the final comic as part of Vertigo’s new comic a week in March. Written by Dan Abnett this new series takes place in England during the Edwardian era where society has been divided into three classes. The lower class- zombies, the middle class- humans, and the upper class- vampires. The first issue introduces and focuses on detective in Scotland Yard’s “Murder Squad” George Suttle. The issue ends with a mysterious vampire murder in broad daylight. I really enjoyed this first issue. It is extremely well written and builds upon an everyday detective murder scenario with supernatural beings. I personally hate when lore and the fantasy element overtakes story. You are not beat over the head with the world. It is what it is and it is accepted. Abnett has tweaked the world of vampires and zombies enough to keep it familiar yet making it uniquely his own. For instance the zombies where zinc based sun screen when they are out during the day- a classy touch in my opinion. This is one of the best new comics I have read recently and can’t wait for the rest of the series. It was so nice we bough it twice- below are the regular and variant covers for the debut issue.

Publisher: Vertigo | # in Series: 8

The New Deadwardians Issue #1 Cover & Variant Cover


26 Mar

Journey | Third Person, Zen, Adventure, Puzzle | 2012 | Site

Journey is beautiful, Zen and reminds you of what it felt like when you were young experiencing the real magic of video games. I have never played another game like Journey. Each minute you are awed by what you see and experience. The game length also plays an important part in this. Journey is only about two hours, normally this would bother me, but it felt just long enough. I played through the entire game in one sitting. I wasn’t ready for it to be over and it felt just long enough. Thatgamecompany, who also developed the indie game Flower, developed Journey. They exemplify what independent downloadable games can be- Great games and works of art. The gameplay is simple. You can walk, jump and float when you are charged. Your only other skill is the ability to send out a beacon which is your name represented as a symbol that can charge certain elements in each level. There is a multiplayer element to Journey but it is completely unique. As you travel you will encounter other players. You cannot talk or write to them. All you are able to do is walk together or go your separate ways. It is really a beautiful thing. Once you have finished the game you see a list of everyone you encountered on your journey. It is a completely new and freeing way to play multiplayer. One final thought: One of my favorite moments in Journey happens while you are traveling through a sandy stage it begins to darken then slowly you realize you are underwater. It is beautiful and fluid and I literally had to stop and make my girlfriend watch how the level transpired. It was like nothing I have ever seen. Please play this game. It is beautiful and like nothing you have ever experienced.

Developer: thatgamecompany | Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Platforms: Playstation 3

Journey Trailer

Dubstep Video Game Trailers

19 Mar

With the increased popularity of Dubstep inevitably comes the commercialization of the genre. I am seeing it everywhere. In particular in video game trailers. There have been several commercials recently with Dubstep somewhere in the commercial but below are few wub wub filled game trailers. I will keep adding more video game trailers as I find them.

The Amazing Spiderman Video Game Trailer

Borderlands 2 Trailer

Assassins Creed Revelations Trailer

Bioshock Infinite: Handyman

14 Mar

Part two in the Bioshock Infinite Heavy Hitters video doc features the giant, lumbering yet agile, mechanically melancholy Handyman. Ken Levine said they went through several iterations of the Handyman’s look before they landed on this version. I thought he was more of a Clark Gable black hair and mustache kind of looking villain in previous demos. I really like both looks, maybe there are multiple versions. Now I am equally excited to fight one and learn their sad backstory. Enjoy…

BioShock Infinite: Handyman – Heavy Hitters Part 2

Assassin’s Creed 3 Screenshots

9 Mar

Like most gamers we are super excited to see what Assassin’s Creed 3 has in-store for us. Ubisoft has said it will be the biggest Assassin’s Creed yet. Colonial America creates a new set of challenges for the team. There were very few if any big cities in America at this time. Mostly rural and forested, these images help to show what we may come to expect. Robin Hood style woodland traversing and perhaps jaunts through Boston? It looks great so far. Is that hunting we see hinted at – perhaps a new gameplay element. I am hoping for hunting and skinning to create new clothing or weaponry? The main character is a half-native American named Ratohnhaké a.k.a. Connor so we can expect a brand new perspective on the Revolutionary War.







BioShock Infinite: Motorized Patriot

8 Mar

If you are anything like me you are shaking with anticipation for the release of Bioshock Infinite this October. In the tradition of the rest of the great vid docs Irrational Games puts out Ken Levin talks about the new approach to enemy types they took for Bioshock Infinite. For this doc in particular he discusses the “Heavy Hitters” or tank class enemies you will encounter. There is some great gameplay footage of a “Motorized Patriot”, or as I like to call him the Robo-George Washington. Enjoy…

BioShock Infinite: Motorized Patriot – Heavy Hitters Part 1

American Vampire

7 Mar

I started reading American Vampire recently and I am pulled into this comic. The series has a connection to the first American Vampire and the people he has affected since becoming a vampire. Scott Snyder does an amazing job with the  different groups of vampires and creating the stories to show all of their strengths and weaknesses. I have always liked vampire stories and this one is fantastic and original.  The artwork is also wonderful which just helps strengthen the entire story. American Vampire is released monthly by Vertigo.

Assassins Creed 3 Trailer

5 Mar

It’s here, the much anticipated time and location for the new Assassin’s Creed game. It looks like 1777 colonial America. No gameplay yet but I am super excited from what they have hinted at. Ubisoft usually releases a very polished release trailer so I am anticipating that will be coming soon. I was hoping for a “Jack the Ripper” era London Assassin’s but it looks like there could still be room for that after this game. As of right now it looks like we can expect a Native American assassin climbing through trees, assassinating British soldiers on horseback and hopefully running through colonial Boston. Oh and it’s coming out in October – seriously awesome. Please enjoy.

Assassin’s Creed 3 Trailer

Walking Dead Season 2 Box Set

5 Mar

I can’t wait for season 2 of The Walking Dead to end. One, to see what happens and two, for this freaking awesome box set. I bought the season one box set complete with zombie mask. Which is on a mannequin head in my closet that I rescued from a dumpster (long story). Anyway, I can’t wait to have this sitting right next to it. It is definitely one of the best looking box sets to come out in awhile.

Season 2 of The Walking Dead Box Set